image credit: mohamedhassan from
provided by: Tippa Naphtali | republished: 16 March 2025
We have made changes to the ‘Two-Way Give-Back Shop’ (first launched in August 2021) with support from the United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC).
The shop can now be used by any visitors to this website who can purchase from the range of products or services that are listed. Affected families that are fully registered with the Fund may be eligible for discounts at our discretion.
Our ‘Two-Way Give-Back’ programme block-purchases or is donated selected services and products from third party community-based and ethical traders, and offer them at discounted prices to our website visitors. All proceeds support our work and grant programmes.
Visit the shop to access products here:
The Service or Product Providers:
Purchasing products or services:
Purchase any general or ON SALE items.
After your purchase we'll advise the vendor(s) to issue the goods or services direct!
You may order any number of on-sale items that are listed.
Note: Registered families may qualify for assistance towards the cost of goods in the shop, and just need to contact us by email in the first instance. We'll contact you to confirm a few details, and then consider what support (if any) can be offered!
Not only is this an easy way for our readers and members to find interesting, ethical and grassroots products & services all in one place, but they will also be supporting a national social fund for families affected by custody deaths and killings.
Search This Website: Use the search box (right) to look for content on this website. Type or speak the relevant words using the icons.
The National Memorial Family Fund is an Unincorporated Association incubated by Catalyst 4 Change CIC
Established 2015, Some rights reserved
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