These mark some of our key milestones, developments and achievements over the years, which demonstrates how we have progressed on our core mission.
Much research, as well as grassroots knowledge, has shown that people of African and Caribbean decent, die in disproportionate numbers in state institutions.
17 September 2024
The NMPMFF are proud to present our second annual report of activities in 2022 and 2023. This report will cover the most significant of our positive outcomes, whilst also being realistic about some of the challenges and hurdles that lay ahead.
3 July 2024
NMPMFF made significant changes to grant making and admin systems. The Crisis Family Fund will now be our principal grant programme. Strict criteria will ensure that those in genuine urgent need receive awards. The process will remain simple, with a quick turnaround.
30 January 2024
The national calendar will be populated over coming weeks and months and will feature national events that were, or are due to be, held to remember Dr Benjamin Zephaniah who sadly died on 7 December 2023 aged 65 after being diagnosed with a brain tumor.
25 November 2023
The first National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund (NMPMFF) Annual Gala Dinner & Campaigners Awards for 2023 (in conjunction with INQUEST) took place on 25 November 2023 at the Legacy Centre, Birmingham, and combined three significant events in-one.
29 August 2023
The 7th September 2023 will mark the twentieth anniversary of the brutal and needless death of father of three, Michael Lloyd Powell (commonly known as Mikey, and a cousin of the renowned late poet and writer, Dr Benjamin Zephaniah) at the hands of West Midlands Police in Lozells, Birmingham. Mikey was experiencing a psychotic episode.
27 May 2023
This event took place in Manchester on 27 May 2023 and was a free family only entertainment, socialising pampering event for those affected by deaths in custody. It consisted of a 3-course meal and beverages, pamper zones, arts & wellbeing stalls, resident DJ and local performing artists.
3 February 2023
Everyone at the NMPMFF wholeheartedly thanked the family and also Doughty Street Chambers for this wonderful gesture and contribution to the Family Fund - this will very much help in our continued efforts to support affected families in the UK.
1 October 2022
The United Families & Friends Campaign and Migrant Media donated £10,000 through the Legacy Fund in order to support the National Memorial Family Fund Holiday Scheme and respite initiative supporting children, young people and families.
1 October 2022
We were proud to present our first full annual report of our activities between 2021 and 2022. The 1 September 2022 marked 7 years since the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund was founded, and just over 2 years since our first ever funding round.
11 November 2021
INQUEST donated £7,500 in grant funding to the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund to further our development of the Annual Gala Dinner & Awards initiative.
25 October 2021
Black Lives Matter UK agreed to the release of £40,000 in grant funding to the National Memorial Family Fund to further our Development Plan and appoint two new key part-time staff members (employed via accountable body, Catalyst4Change CIC).
25 October 2021
The Legacy Fund was a new funding stream administered by the National Memorial Family Fund on behalf of the United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC) and Migrant Media.
20 September 2021
This event took place on 10 September 2021 marking the 18th anniversary of the death of Mikey Powell in West Midlands police custody, and celebrated 6 years of the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund developed by his cousin, Tippa Naphtali, in September 2015.
23 January 2021
The National Memorial Family Fund added a new funding stream called the Crisis Family Fund in March 2021 in partnership with the United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC).
23 January 2021
In conjunction with 4WardEverUK our ‘Two-Way Give-Back’ programme will block-purchase selected services or products and offer them to affected families at discounted prices. When families use the service, vendors simply give a little back!
1 November 2020
In October 2020 we collaborated with the United Families and Friends Campaign to hold the annual protest & rally online due to Covid restrictions, with a powerful video tribute that remembered the victims and heard from some of the families affected.
8 August 2020
We were pleased to announce that (with effect from 29 July 2020) the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund would be formally incubated by West Midlands based social enterprise Catalyst 4 Change, thereby taking on its legal identity but maintaining our operational independence.
14 June 2020
In June 2020 were extremely pleased to announce that after 5 years of fundraising, the first ever National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund round would open for applications.
14 June 2020
Initially triggered by the brutal police killing of George Floyd, international protests and a Tweet from Oonagh Ryder (@oonskie) and subsequent follow-up Tweets by Lucy Brisbane McKay (@lucybrisbane) and others, we saw unprecedented donations to the National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund in May and June 2020.
2 November 2018
In 2018 we collaborated with the United Families & Friends Campaign to mark the 20th year of the annual rally and protest by also holding a conference on 26 October, followed by the rally on 27 October from Trafalgar Square to 10 Downing Street.
The gallery includes images and summaries celebrating the support that the National Family Fund has provided.
The images and summaries are updated from time to time, and may also include links to further information provided about the campaigns that are listed.
Peter Blanksby : Father of Petra Blanksby
Ajibola Lewis : Mother of Olaseni Lewis
Sieta Lambrias : Sister of Mikey Powell
Jackie Brooklyn : Mother of Tara Hudson
Marcia Rigg : Sister of Sean Rigg
Tippa Naphtali : 4WardEverUK
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The National Memorial Family Fund is an Unincorporated Association incubated by Catalyst 4 Change CIC
Established 2015, Some rights reserved
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