image credit: United Families & Friends
all credits: The PTPK | republished: 16 February 2025
The People’s Tribunal on Police Killings has emerged as a radical grassroots initiative led by families of those killed by the police in the UK. With more than 3000 deaths at the hands of the police. Over the past 50 years there have only been 4 successful prosecutions that led to police officers being convicted and going to prison. This figure of ‘success’ is one of the lowest in the world. (See full flyer here)
The disproportionate number of Black people killed represents the depth of racism that is ingrained in the police forces of the UK. Policing structures are corrupt and must be abolished. (see full statement here)
The rate of police killings has been increasing over the decades. Police violence is going up but the prospect of justice is going down. Anyone who believes that the situation is improving, or that tweaks to the system will prevent further deaths, is delusional.
The failure to prosecute successfully has led to the formation of the PTPK supported by the United Families & Friends Campaign, Migrant Media, Black Lives Matter and 4WardEverUK. Its aim is to radically challenge the existing structures and the ongoing collusion that had led to this failure of justice. The PTPK is led by families and friends of those killed by the police and volunteer investigators who do not have faith that the system will ever deliver justice.
We are instigating the reopening of all of the several thousand deaths and initiating their reinvestigations. These investigations will be led by lawyers from outside the UK supported by an international team of activists and academics.
These will lead to other actions.
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