Important: The National Mikey Powell Memorial Family Fund cannot advise or assist applicants with completing applications - you should consult one of our Assessment Partners in this respect.
The following is a 'general guide' to the whole process rather than 'actions' needed to make applications for grants!
Step1: Applicant registers (One-time / Lifetime) and chooses an Assessment Partner un the process. You may use a different partner for each future application if you wish.
Step2: The Family Fund confirms registration with the Applicant and copies this to an Assessment Partner when required.
Step3: The Applicant and chosen Assessment Partner make contact to discuss needs and then progress to the next step.
Step4: The Assessment Partner can (where required) submit an online application or simply contacts the NMPMFF via email in the case of Crisis Grant applications.
Step5: The Family Fund contacts applicants and Assessment Partners with a decision.
Step6: The Family Fund may contact the Assessment Partner and/or applicants for voluntary grant feedback (within 3 months).
Round4 Holiday Applications Are Now Closed!
UFFC Gift & Legacy Fund
John Burke-Monverville, Father (Monerville brothers)
Anna Susianta, Mother of Jack Susianta
Donna Mooney, Sister of Tommy Nicol
Jan Butler, Mother of Lloyd Butler
Janet Alder, sister of Christopher Alder
Samantha Millers, Mother of Charlie Millers
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The National Memorial Family Fund is an Unincorporated Association incubated by Catalyst 4 Change CIC
Established 2015, Some rights reserved
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