The National Memorial Family Fund is to add a new funding stream called the Crisis Family Fund in March 2021 in partnership with the United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC).
Essentially this is a fund that will always be open for applications (subject to available resources) in-between the standard grant rounds programme which is intermittent.
This will be a fast-track process for urgent requests only. Family Fund Assessment Partners will largely drive the application process, with quick decisions made by our team.
The Process:
The first stage of the current process (registration) and grant limits will still apply, but from that point forward there is a simple endorsement form that Assessment Partners will submit to the Memorial Family Fund - and that's it!
We'll be providing more information in February 2021.
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The National Memorial Family Fund is an Unincorporated Association incubated by Catalyst 4 Change CIC
Established 2015, Some rights reserved
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